Photo Composites & Editing

  1. Initial layout from Graphic Designer via InDesign, note the hard edges of the 3 layered photographs.
  2. No hard edges, perfect for presentation to company.
  3. Note the brighter ice bucket. I pulled similar imagery and recreated the layout with an improved shot. When presented to Graphic Designer, I was approved to move forward with print production.
  4. Appearance on feature with product.


  1. 2016. Template used before my time. Poor styling pulled from catalog and not redefined for our format.
  2. 2017. I began using auto-size text boxes, rules instead of drawn lines and styling to ensure consistency and clarity within our standard formats.
  3. 2018. Layout was redesigned to mimic catalog layouts, causing centered text and boxed call outs for new & exclusive. I ensured the box would resize easily according to character length. However, I still created an assets master just in case whomever was inputting content needed to see what call-outs we use. I also included shadows/floofs of color that we overlay quickly in InDesign to help readability of text over the image.
  4. 2019 v1. Quickly updated styles to remove box and rule to elevate design and update the sans serif typeface. This template includes alternate layouts for easy pulling.
  5. 2019 v2. Update to serif typeface and sizing. Alternate layouts will be added to the v2 template as the designers create updates.

File Management

  1. Walkthrough files are the most disorganized. They are built quickly and require at times multiple people to work in one file. This requires many “save as…” functions, and many duplicate pages. Walkthroughs also provide many similar yet different pieces.
  2. Proofing folders are organized by Merchant review, Color uploads, Proofreading deliveries, Translated files for review, and Vendor PDFs.
  3. Finals folder includes all pieces pulled from Walkthrough folder, proofed and ready to upload. This is where our files can be found that most similarly represent what the stores have, minus any vendor changes like order numbers.